Larabee Museum Guides Coordinator
General Description:
The goal of the Larabee Museum Guides Coordinator is to train Larabee Museum Guides and monitor shift sign-ups. Work with the Garden Historian/History Team to integrate opportunities to learn about SDBG history during selected Garden activities.
- SDBG History Team membership. Attend quarterly meetings.
- Provide Larabee Museum Guide (LMG) training.
- Create new ways to capture new volunteers and Docents-in-Training.
- Coordinate Larabee Museum visitation by the following:
- Monitor and encourage LMG shift sign-up.
- Notify the assigned LMG when the Museum must close due to a gap in shift sign-up.
- Coordinate with the SDBG Education and Event Coordinator when outside groups request a focused Larabee Museum Tour.
- Coordinate Larabee Museum availability and room set-up with SDBG Operations and Administrative Assistant.
- Submit Visitor and LMG history questions to the SDBG Historian and Research/Archivist.
- Update “Larabee Museum and SDBG History Questions and Answers” and submit to Docent Website Manager to post on Docent web site.
- Maintain a list of LMG’s that includes their emails, date trained and trainer. Provide an updated LMG list to Garden Historian and Volunteer Program Manager quarterly.
Specific Skills:
- Highly organized
- Familiarity with word processing application (MS Word preferred)
- Ongoing interest in the history of the SDBG and surroundings
- Ability to positively interact and constructively work with diverse volunteers, staff members and visitors
Time Required:
0.5 hours per week
Recommended Term:
Two years, more if desired.
Revision Date: 06/22/2018
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