Larabee Museum Guides Coordinator

General Description:

The goal of the Larabee Museum Guides Coordinator is to train Larabee Museum Guides and monitor shift sign-ups. Work with the Garden Historian/History Team to integrate opportunities to learn about SDBG history during selected Garden activities.


  1. SDBG History Team membership. Attend quarterly meetings.
  2. Provide Larabee Museum Guide (LMG) training.
  3. Create new ways to capture new volunteers and Docents-in-Training.
  4. Coordinate Larabee Museum visitation by the following:
    1. Monitor and encourage LMG shift sign-up.
    2. Notify the assigned LMG when the Museum must close due to a gap in shift sign-up.
    3. Coordinate with the SDBG Education and Event Coordinator when outside groups request a focused Larabee Museum Tour.
    4. Coordinate Larabee Museum availability and room set-up with SDBG Operations and Administrative Assistant.
  5. Submit Visitor and LMG history questions to the SDBG Historian and Research/Archivist.
  6. Update “Larabee Museum and SDBG History Questions and Answers” and submit to Docent Website Manager to post on Docent web site.
  7. Maintain a list of LMG’s that includes their emails, date trained and trainer. Provide an updated LMG list to Garden Historian and Volunteer Program Manager quarterly.

Specific Skills:

  1. Highly organized
  2. Familiarity with word processing application (MS Word preferred)
  3. Ongoing interest in the history of the SDBG and surroundings
  4. Ability to positively interact and constructively work with diverse volunteers, staff members and visitors

Time Required:

0.5 hours per week

Recommended Term:

Two years, more if desired.


Revision Date:  06/22/2018



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