Click on the main picture to get more information.
Portuguese Squill (flower)

Portuguese Squill (flower)

Scilla peruviana

African Garden....photographer Herb Knufken

Cotton tree (flower)

Cotton tree (flower)

Bombax ceiba

Bamboo Garden Pond Area....photographer Allan Dodds

Ceanothus  - Warty-stem (plant)

Ceanothus - Warty-stem (plant)

Ceanothus verrucosus

California Gardenscapes....photographer Allan Dodds

Barberry - Nevin's (plant)

Barberry - Nevin's (plant)

Mahonia = Berberis nevinii

California Gardenscapes....photographer Allan Dodds

Sage - Hummingbird (flower)

Sage - Hummingbird (flower)

Salvia spathacea

California Gardenscapes....photographer Herb Knufken

Rosemary (plant)

Rosemary (plant)

Rosmarinus officinalis

Herb Garden ....photographer Allan Dodds

Spurge, Wulfenii (plant)

Spurge, Wulfenii (plant)

Euphorbia characias ssp. Wulfenii

Mediterranean Garden....photographer Herb Knufken

Spring snowflake (plant)

Spring snowflake (plant)

Leucojum vernum

Mediterranean Garden....photographer Allan Dodds

Palo de Chile (flower)

Palo de Chile (flower)

Salmea oligocephala

Mexican Garden....photographer Allan Dodds

Palo de Chile (plant)

Palo de Chile (plant)

Salmea oligocephala

Mexican Garden....photographer Allan Dodds

Lady fingers = Fingertips (flower)

Lady fingers = Fingertips (flower)

Dudleya edulis

Native Plants Native People....photographer Allan Dodds

Lady fingers = Fingertips (plant)

Lady fingers = Fingertips (plant)

Dudleya edulis

Native Plants Native People....photographer Allan Dodds

Narrowleaf bedstraw (flower)

Narrowleaf bedstraw (flower)

Galium angustifolium

Native Plants Native People....photographer Allan Dodds

Cranesbill (flower)

Cranesbill (flower)

Geranium californicum?

Native Plants Native People....photographer Allan Dodds

Cranesbill (plant)

Cranesbill (plant)

Geranium californicum?

Native Plants Native People....photographer Allan Dodds

Monkey flower (flower)

Monkey flower (flower)

Mimulus (= Diplacus) aurantiacus

Native Plants Native People....photographer Herb Knufken

Wishbone Bush (flower)

Wishbone Bush (flower)

Mirabilis laevis var. crassifolia

Native Plants Native People....photographer Herb Knufken

Nightshade - Parish (flower)

Nightshade - Parish (flower)

Solanum parishii

Native Plants Native People....photographer Herb Knufken

Sweet Acacia = Needle Bush (flower)

Sweet Acacia = Needle Bush (flower)

Acacia = Vachellia farnesiana

New World Desert Garden....photographer Allan Dodds

Sweet Acacia = Needle Bush (plant)

Sweet Acacia = Needle Bush (plant)

Acacia = Vachellia farnesiana

New World Desert Garden....photographer Allan Dodds

Succulent Bush Senecio (flower)

Succulent Bush Senecio (flower)

Senecio barbertonicus

Old World Desert Garden....photographer Allan Dodds

Succulent Bush Senecio (plant)

Succulent Bush Senecio (plant)

Senecio barbertonicus

Old World Desert Garden....photographer Allan Dodds

Pig's ear (flower)

Pig's ear (flower)

Cotyledon orbiculata

Overlook Succulents....photographer Herb Knufken

Common screwpine (plant)

Common screwpine (plant)

Pandanus utilis

Palm Canyon....photographer Allan Dodds

Stringy bark wattle (plant)

Stringy bark wattle (plant)

Acacia linearifolia

Parking Lot West....photographer Allan Dodds

Dwala aloe (flower)

Dwala aloe (flower)

Aloe chabaudii

South African Garden....photographer Allan Dodds

Dwala aloe (plant)

Dwala aloe (plant)

Aloe chabaudii

South African Garden....photographer Allan Dodds

Pride of Madeira (flower)

Pride of Madeira (flower)

Echium candicans

South African Garden....photographer Herb Knufken

Society garlic (plant)

Society garlic (plant)

Tulbaghia violacea

South African Garden....photographer Allan Dodds

Cymbidium orchid (epiphyte)

Cymbidium orchid (epiphyte)

Cymbidium x hybrid

Tropical Rain Forest....photographer Herb Knufken

Portuguese Squill (flower)	 thumbnail
Cotton tree (flower)	 thumbnail
Ceanothus  - Warty-stem (plant) thumbnail
Barberry - Nevin's (plant)	 thumbnail
Sage - Hummingbird (flower) thumbnail
Rosemary (plant)	 thumbnail
Spurge, Wulfenii (plant)	 thumbnail
Spring snowflake (plant) thumbnail
Palo de Chile (flower)	 thumbnail
Palo de Chile (plant)	 thumbnail
Lady fingers = Fingertips (flower)	 thumbnail
Lady fingers = Fingertips (plant)		 thumbnail
Narrowleaf bedstraw (flower)	 thumbnail
Cranesbill (flower) thumbnail
Cranesbill (plant)	 thumbnail
Monkey flower (flower) thumbnail
Wishbone Bush (flower) thumbnail
Nightshade - Parish (flower)	 thumbnail
Sweet Acacia = Needle Bush (flower)		 thumbnail
Sweet Acacia = Needle Bush (plant)		 thumbnail
Succulent Bush Senecio (flower) thumbnail
Succulent Bush Senecio (plant)	 thumbnail
Pig's ear (flower)	 thumbnail
Common screwpine (plant)	 thumbnail
Stringy bark wattle (plant) thumbnail
Dwala aloe (flower)	 thumbnail
Dwala aloe (plant)	 thumbnail
Pride of Madeira (flower)	 thumbnail
Society garlic (plant)	 thumbnail
Cymbidium orchid (epiphyte) thumbnail