Click on the main picture to get more information.

Honey Bush (plant)

Honey Bush (plant)

Melianthus major

African Garden....photographer Allan Dodds

Bidens, burr marigold (flower)

Bidens, burr marigold (flower)

Bidens x hybrid

Bamboo Garden....photographer Herb Knufken

Bidens, burr marigold (plant)

Bidens, burr marigold (plant)

Bidens x hybrid

Bamboo Garden....photographer Allan Dodds

Calla Lily (flower)

Calla Lily (flower)

Zantedeschia aethiopica

Bamboo Lily Pond....photographer Herb Knufken

Ceanothus blue (plant)

Ceanothus blue (plant)

Ceanothus 'Ray Hartman'

California Gardenscapes....photographer Herb Knufken

Canary Island Bellflower (plant)

Canary Island Bellflower (plant)

Canarina canariensis

Canary Island Garden....photographer Allan Dodds

Canary Islands cineraria (flower)

Canary Islands cineraria (flower)

Pericallis multiflora

Canary Island Garden....photographer Herb Knufken

Canary Islands cineraria (plant)

Canary Islands cineraria (plant)

Pericallis multiflora

Canary Island Garden....photographer Allan Dodds

Canary Islands cineraria (plant)

Canary Islands cineraria (plant)

Pericallis multiflora

Canary Island Garden....photographer Allan Dodds

'Marina'	Strawberry Tree (fruit)

'Marina' Strawberry Tree (fruit)

Arbutus x andrachnoides

Hamilton Childrens Garden....photographer Allan Dodds

Geranium 'Tiny Monster', Cranesbill (flower)

Geranium 'Tiny Monster', Cranesbill (flower)

Geranium x 'Tiny Monster'

Hamilton Childrens Garden....photographer Herb Knufken

Marguerite Daisy (flower)

Marguerite Daisy (flower)

Argyranthemum x hybrid

Herb Garden....photographer Herb Knufken

Calla Lily 'Green Goddess' (flower)

Calla Lily 'Green Goddess' (flower)

Zantedeschia aethiopica

Herb Garden ....photographer Herb Knufken


Camelia "Twilight" (plant)

Camellia japonica 'Twilight'

Lawn Garden....photographer Herb Knufken


Camelia "Twilight" (flower)

Camellia japonica 'Twilight'

Lawn Garden....photographer Allan Dodds

Lilac Fuchsia (flower)

Lilac Fuchsia (flower)

Fuchsia arborescens

Lawn Garden....photographer Herb Knufken

Lilac Fuchsia (plant)

Lilac Fuchsia (plant)

Fuchsia arborescens

Lawn Garden....photographer Allan Dodds

Lavender, Fern leaf (flower)

Lavender, Fern leaf (flower)

Lavandula multifida

Lawn Garden....photographer Herb Knufken

Hellebore 'Ivory Prince' (plant)

Hellebore 'Ivory Prince' (plant)

Helleborus "Ivory Prince"

Mediterranean Garden....photographer Allan Dodds

Laurestinus (flower)

Laurestinus (flower)

Viburnum tinus

Mediterranean Garden....photographer Herb Knufken

Laurestinus (plant)

Laurestinus (plant)

Viburnum tinus

Mediterranean Garden....photographer Allan Dodds

Velvet Groundsel  (plant)

Velvet Groundsel (plant)

Senecio = Roldana petasitis

Mexican Garden....photographer Allan Dodds

Red Columnar Cactus (flower)

Red Columnar Cactus (flower)

Cactaceae, unidentified

New World Desert Garden....photographer Herb Knufken

Cardon (flower)

Cardon (flower)

Pachycereus pringlei

New World Desert Garden....photographer Herb Knufken

Cardon (plant)

Cardon (plant)

Pachycereus pringlei

New World Desert Garden ....photographer Allan Dodds

Aloe - Zimbabwe (flower)

Aloe - Zimbabwe (flower)

Aloe excelsa

Old World Desert Garden....photographer Herb Knufken

Aloe - Zimbabwe (plant)

Aloe - Zimbabwe (plant)

Aloe excelsa

Old World Desert Garden....photographer Allan Dodds

Spurge, Upright Myrtle = Gopher (flower)

Spurge, Upright Myrtle = Gopher (flower)

Euphorbia rigida

Old World Desert Garden....photographer Herb Knufken

Spurge, Upright Myrtle = Gopher (plant)

Spurge, Upright Myrtle = Gopher (plant)

Euphorbia rigida

Old World Desert Garden....photographer Allan Dodds

Red Bromeliad (flower)

Red Bromeliad (flower)

Aechmae sp.

Tropical Rain Forest....photographer Herb Knufken

Honey Bush (plant)	 thumbnail
Bidens, burr marigold (flower)	 thumbnail
Bidens, burr marigold (plant) thumbnail
Calla Lily (flower) thumbnail
Ceanothus blue (plant) thumbnail
Canary Island Bellflower (plant)	 thumbnail
Canary Islands cineraria (flower)	 thumbnail
Canary Islands cineraria (plant)	 thumbnail
Canary Islands cineraria (plant)	 thumbnail
'Marina'	Strawberry Tree (fruit) thumbnail
Geranium 'Tiny Monster', Cranesbill (flower)		 thumbnail
Marguerite Daisy (flower)	 thumbnail
Calla Lily 'Green Goddess' (flower)	 thumbnail
Lilac Fuchsia (flower) thumbnail
Lilac Fuchsia (plant) thumbnail
Lavender, Fern leaf (flower)		 thumbnail
Hellebore 'Ivory Prince' (plant)	 thumbnail
Laurestinus (flower) thumbnail
Laurestinus (plant) thumbnail
Velvet Groundsel  (plant)	 thumbnail
Red Columnar Cactus (flower)	 thumbnail
Cardon (flower) thumbnail
Cardon (plant)	 thumbnail
Aloe - Zimbabwe (flower) thumbnail
Aloe - Zimbabwe (plant)	 thumbnail
Spurge, Upright Myrtle = Gopher (flower)		 thumbnail
Spurge, Upright Myrtle = Gopher (plant) thumbnail
Red Bromeliad (flower)		 thumbnail
Melianthus major

Melianthus major

Canarina canariensis

Canarina canariensis

Ceanothus 'Ray Hartman'

Ceanothus ‘Ray Hartman’

Zantedeschia aethiopica

Zantedeschia aethiopica

Bidens x hybrid

Bidens x hybrid

Bidens x hybrid

Bidens x hybrid

Aechmae sp.

Aechmae sp.

Euphorbia rigida

Euphorbia rigida

Euphorbia rigida

Euphorbia rigida

Aloe excelsa

Aloe excelsa

Aloe excelsa

Aloe excelsa

Pachycereus pringlei

Pachycereus pringlei

Pachycereus pringlei

Pachycereus pringlei

Cactaceae, unidentified

Cactaceae, unidentified

Senecio = Roldana petasitis

Senecio = Roldana petasitis

Viburnum tinus

Viburnum tinus

Viburnum tinus

Viburnum tinus

Helleborus "Ivory Prince"

Helleborus “Ivory Prince”

Lavandula multifida

Lavandula multifida

Fuchsia arborescens

Fuchsia arborescens

Fuchsia arborescens

Fuchsia arborescens

Camellia japonica 'Twilight'

Camellia japonica ‘Twilight’

Camellia japonica 'Twilight'

Camellia japonica ‘Twilight’

Zantedeschia aethiopica

Zantedeschia aethiopica

Argyranthemum x hybrid

Argyranthemum x hybrid

Geranium  x 'Tiny Monster'

Geranium x ‘Tiny Monster’

Arbutus x andrachnoides

Arbutus x andrachnoides

Pericallis multiflora

Pericallis multiflora

Pericallis multiflora

Pericallis multiflora

Pericallis multiflora

Pericallis multiflora