July 2012 Virtual Bloom Board Click on the main picture to get more information. PausePlayPlayPrev|Next Cow itch treeLagunaria patersoniiAustralian Garden.... Photographer - Herb Knufken StrawflowerXerochrysum bracteatumAustralian Garden.... Photographer - Herb Knufken California poppy (flower)Eschscholzia californicaCalifornia Gardenscapes..... Photographer - Allan Dodds Desert Museum Palo VerdeParkinsonia x 'Desert Museum'California Gardenscapes.... Photographer - Herb Knufken Magic flowerCantua 'Hot Pants'Central American Garden.... Photographer - Allan Dodds Iochroma - purpleIochroma x hybridCentral American Garden.... Photographer - Herb Knufken Bulbine Bulbine frutescensFire Safety Area.... Photographer - Allan Dodds Bulbine FrutescensBulbine frutescensFire Safety Area.... Photographer - Allan Dodds Giant chalk dudleyaDudleya brittoniiFire Safety Area.... Photographer - Allan Dodds Lady fingers - flowerDudleya edulis Fire Safety Area.... Photographer - Allan Dodds Lady fingers - plantDudleya edulisFire Safety Area.... Photographer - Allan Dodds Buddleia - Monarch HamiltonBuddleia davidiiChildrens Garden.... Photographer - Herb Knufken Jupiter's beard (flower) - swallowtail butterflyCentranthus ruberHamilton Childrens Garden.... Photographer - Allan Dodds Purple coneflowerEchinacea purpureaHamilton Childrens Garden.... Photographer - Herb Knufken Blueberry HamiltonVaccinium sp.Childrens Garden.... Photograper - Herb Knufken Beaked yuccaYucca rostrata?Childrens Garden.... Photographer - Herb Knufken Iris - peachIris x hybridLawn Garden.... Photographer - Herb Knufken Bear's breechAcanthus mollisMadagascar Garden.... Photographer - Allan Dodds California sycamore Platanus racemosaNative Plants Native People.... Photographer - Allan Dodds Blue-eyed grassSisyrinchium bellumNative Plants Native People.... Photographer - Allan Dodds Purple FirespikeOdontonema callistachyumPalm Canyon.... Photographer - Allan Dodds AeoniumAeonium sp.Seeds of Wonder.... Photographer - Herb Knufken Protea, pincushionProtea sp.South African Garden.... Photographer - Allan Dodds Parodia, Schumann'sParodia shumanniana ssp clavicepsSouth American Arid.... Photographer - Allan Dodds Unidentified spherical cactus (flower)Unidentified cactusSouth American Arid.... Photographer - Allan Dodds Peruvian lilyAlstroemeria x hybridSouth American Garden.... Photographer - Allan Dodds Puya ferrugineaPuya ferrugineaSouth American Garden.... Photographer - Allan Dodds Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow - flowerBrunfelsia paucifloraTropical Rain Forest.... Photographer - Allan Dodds Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow - plantBrunfelsia paucifloraTropical Rain Forest... Photographer - Allan Dodds Norfolk Island PalmRhopalostylis baueriTropical Rain Forest.... Photographer - Allan Dodds