June 2012 Virtual Bloom Board Click on the main picture to get more information. PausePlayPlayPrev|Next Arabian AloeAloe pseudorubroviolaceaAfrica in Australian Garden....Photographer Allan Dodds Snow in summerMelaleuca linariifoliaAustralian Garden....Photographer Herb Knufken Desert Museum Palo VerdeParkinsonia x 'Desert Museum'Australian Garden...Photographer Herb Knufken Thick-leaved kohukohuPittosporum kirkiiAustralian Garden....Photographer - Allan Dodds Water lilyNymphaea sp.Bamboo Pond....Photographer - Herb Knufken Yellow Calla LilyZantedeschia aethiopicaBamboo Pond...Photographer - Herb Knufken Prickly poppy- MohaveArgemone corymbosaCalifornia Gardenscapes ...Photographer - Allan Dodds Douglas IrisIris douglasianaCalifornia Gardenscapes...Photographer - Allan Dodds Sea LavenderLimonium pereziiCanary Islands Garden...Photographer - Allan Dodds Coral Tree, CockspurErythrina crista-galliHamilton Children's Garden....Photographer - Herb Knufken Red yuccaHesperaloe parvifloraHamilton Children's Garden...Photographer - Herb Knufken Sweet PeaLathyrus odoratusHamilton Children's Garden...Photographer - Herb Knufken Purple phlomis = Jerusalem SagePhlomis purpureaHamilton Children's Garden...Photographer - Allan Dodds FoxgloveDigitalis purpureaHerb Garden...Photographer - Herb Knufken Queen Emma LilyCrinum augustumLawn Garden...Photographer - Herb Knufken Red CloverTrifolium pratenseLawn Garden....Photographer - Herb Knufken Bear's BreechesAcanthus mollisMediterranean Garden...Photographer - Herb Knufken Nuttall's snapdragonAntirrhinum nuttallianumNative Plants Native People....Photographer - Allan Dodds California Sun CupCamissonia bistortaNative Plants Native People...Photographer - Allan Dodds Lanceleaf liveforeverDudleya lanceolataNative Plants Native People...Photographer - Allan Dodds Lanceleaf liveforeverDudleya lanceolataNative Plants Native People...Photographer - Allan Dodds Yellow YarrowEriophyllum confertiflorumNative Plants Native People...Photographer - Allan Dodds Black SageSalvia melliferaNative Plants Native People...Photographer - Allan Dodds ChamiseAdenostoma fasciculatumNative Plants Native Peoples...Photographer - Allan Dodds ChamiseAdenostoma fasciculatumNative Plants Native Peoples...Photographer - Allan Dodds Scarlet PimpernelAnagallis arvensisNative Plants Native Peoples...Photographer - Allan Dodds DeerweedLotus scoparius = Acmispon glaberNative Plants Native Peoples...Photographer - Allan Dodds Fence post cactusPachycereus marginatusNew World Desert Garden...Photographer - Allan Dodds King orchidThelychiton = Dendrobium speciosumPalm Canyon...Photographer - Allan Dodds Ornamental BananaEnsete ventricosumSubtropical Fruit...Photographer - Herb Knufken